Friday, May 10, 2002

Sheep are not stupid!!

Here is a game for you...

Culture jamming, anyone? Fight Global Warming Big Game SUV Hunting

Did you know that WD-40 stands for Water Displacement (formula)- 40th try? More than you ever wanted to know about WD-40.
Welcome to WD-40 * About Us: Our History

Here is the story of
Hiroo Onoda.

My attempt to sort of involve some kind of knitting/weaving link hereabouts...
You probably have heard this (unless you've been living in a cave on a remote Phillipine island ha ha) BUT Did you know he wove his own clothes? (Scroll down)

If the beautiful people are getting you down...
Are You Smarter Than Miss America?
I got 4 out of 8. Waaaaah.