Thursday, January 08, 2009

Actual Farmwork


So, here it is, my lovelies...
A riff on my Camel Pockets, basically the same dough/pastry with different innards. Yum! Okay, okay, I know it's a calzone, peeps, don't get your undies all in a twist!

5 C flour
1 T yeast
1 heaping T salt
1/2 C oil
2 C water

Mix it all up in the mixer, rise, covered with a wet tea towel, in a turned off 170 degree oven for 30m. Scrape onto a floured counter and knead a little, adding enough flour to prevent sticky mess.
Cut into 8 and cover with wet tea towel again.

While dough is rising, prepare your innards.

I used the recipe for Tofu Basil Ricotta
using some of the basil I had pureed with oil this summer... so good. Oh, and I used frozen tofu, it crumbles really well into a 'ricotta' like texture.

I also used the last of the tomatoes from the summer out of the freezer, just blended them up with oil and salt and oregano and garlic and cooked it on the stovetop until it was thick.

So, ricotta like substance and tomato sauce. There you go.

Now, roll out your dough balls into ovals, place half of the oval (you know, the half where you're going to put your fillings?) right on to your greased cookie sheet.

Place a big spoonful of each filling on there, wet the edge around the filling with water (I keep a bowl nearby for this), fold over the dough and press shut with your fingertips.

Bake at 425 degrees for 15m or until golden brown.

*What We Had For Dinner Last Night

Yikes! I'm burning through the freezer goods at a breakneck pace! And here it is only January. Whatever shall I do? It's just sad when you're nearing the end of the CSA produce, plus my CSA is not going to be existent next year, boo. I will miss seeing the chickens, the horses (doing actual farmwork like plowing!), and of course all the good people there.

No news on the reading front.