Chinese cabbage- don't know what to do with this yet, our csa gave us a recipe for refrigerator kim chee!! That would be fun!
And we got beautiful flowers!!
Here is some dill I'm pretty excited about! Tofu dill sandwiches, anyone? Maybe those pickles you can make in the sun?
Sweet onions- very cool... I was recently reading through some old recipes from my grandmother and there was this recipe for poached onions where you boil them? and I was thinking that might be fun to try? but probably not with yummy csa onions...
Snow peas! We got snap peas, too! Soooo great for snacking on, just straight. Nom.
These are thumbelina carrots. We'll see what happens with these, if we don't just eat them raw.
We also got scapes (the last of the season) and lettuce. I was hoping for zucchini, but I guess that will come... bug problems.Our friends B. and S. are here from Milwaukee and so we had a grill out last night- nothing too fancy I am afraid, but the salad was good! There are a million iterations of this on the internet, but I thought this version was quite yummy!
Corn and Black Bean Salad
2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can corn, drained
1/2 red onion, minced
1/4 jicama, diced small
1 avacado, diced
1 bunch cilantro, chopped fine approx. 1/2 C
2 T oil
1/2 lime's worth of juice
1 T cumin
1 t salt
1/4 t chili powder
Prep all ingredients and mix together. Tada!
If you're going to refrigerate it for a while, add the onions just before serving (onions get slimy if you leave them in). Oh, and the salt, too.
I thought the lime really made this salad- I've tried it before with balsamic (1 T), but the lime juice was just so much better! Really. And the jicama added a fun crunch. And the chili powder you could up or whatever, but we are mild midwesterners.
No reading yesterday.
Trying to find the perfect yarn for my new design! Having fun looking on Ravelry...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Corn and Bean Salad and csa veg
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