We're going to visit my folks in upper Wisconsin (a 6 hr. drive!!!) so no posts probably. < >
Still ruminating on that sweater dilemma. To frog or not to frog. I thought I had the solution; I'd just knit and knit and knit a collar and make it sort of fold over and back, but then I realized that to fill in the corners I'd have to short row or something and that's just too complicated. We'll see. Then I thought just knit wider bands and then it will fit, but that still doesn't fix the funky sleeves. Waaah. Ok, ok, I could undo the sleeve part where it messes up (I tried to 3needle bind off a mitered corner into a straight seam- nrrr). Dang I wish posting pics wasn't such a huge hassle. Someday...< >
There's this cool store called ArtSmart that takes overstock items like paper and fabric and all sorts of wierd stuff and sells it for people to buy to make crafts with kids. So I got a bunch of beads and I'm taking them in to have the kids glue them onto something to decorate. Hoooray for kitchy summer crafts. I get a kick out of sending these things home and knowing the parents are like, um, what do I do with this now? I never thought I'd stoop to crap crafts, but here I am. It's hard to find things for kids to make that they can handle and enjoy that are beautiful, useful and inexpensive. So. Yesterday we laid 10 popsicle sticks flat next to each other and drew pictures on them with markers and then mixed them up and called it a puzzle. Today; tacky bead gluing.< >
Friday, June 28, 2002
The Friday Five
When was the last time you...
1. Sent a handwritten letter? Gee, probably a month ago. One of my girlfriends in Milwaukee doesn't have email and writes lots of letters, so I usually owe her one at any given moment.
2. Baked something from scratch or made something by hand. No baking; what with riding this summer every afternoon lunch and supper are fast, easy to cook things. But, being a knitter, I have made something by hand!! Woo hoo!! Makin' a sweater.
3. Camped in a tent? Well, last winter my husband and another couple went winter camping here in Minnesota, and it turned out it was one of the coldest weekends all winter (our winter was really mild)! I wussed out though, becuase I was sick and that would have launched me right into pneumonia or something. So the last time was last summer when we hiked the Sunshine Coast Trail in B.C.
4. Volunteered your time to church, school or community? Um, I stay late at work? (a Montessori school). I taught Sunday School this past year every other Sunday.
5. Helped a stranger? We stopped and helped these people who got a flat and didn't have a spare and let them call on our cell phone a bunch to find someone to come get them. They had been standing on the side of the highway for 20 min. and they had a kid. We were going to give them a ride into town but then the State Patrol came by.