What We Had For Dinner Last Night
Elbows with Golden Cheaze Sauce and
Kale sauteed with garlic, garlic granules, salt and a leetle Dijon mustard.
I have made a vow to myself to always make the kale the same day we get it from our CSA (it was our last week this week! so sad!) and so here we have the sauteed kale.
The Elbows speak for themselves.
Well, I've been tagged! For the Love of Guava has tagged me with "What's In Your Vegan Freezer?". So here goes...
What’s in your (vegan) Freezer? Started by Billy.:
- Take a picture of the items in your freezer
- Post the picture to your blog and give a summary of the items
- Tag 5 vegan bloggers.
in the middle on top,
some buns,
below that, some tomatoes I froze from our plethora of tomatoes this year,
a box of strawberry ice bars,
my apple butter and
behind that some frozen blueberries for future blueberry muffin making.
On the bottom shelf;
half a bag of broccoli,
an Amy's burrito,
below that some frozen Morning Glory bread (in the foil),
to the right of that some adzuki beans in the Ziploc container with the blue lid and
beneath that some ice cream I made with Hazelnut Soy Creamer I got when it was on sale- yum yum!
Then in the Ziploc are some rice/carrot/cashew/cilantro patties I made,
behind that you can barely see some edamame peeking out and next to that some frozen green beans also from our CSA and finally
to the right some mystery stew I froze perched on top of some freezies for my daughter.
Hidden out of sight is half a bag of frozen peas- I aim for full disclosure (grin).
Up top is a bunch of frozen fruit we got when we were on a smoothie making kick oh and also some coffee...
and below left to right are some frozen not-meat balls,
then some small containers of basil pureed with oil for future Winter pesto making,
then some breadcrumbs hiding behind a box of frozen spinach,
then more coffee and finally on the very right some flax meal. Yum yum.
So, I tag
Addicted to Olives
Vegan Appetite
Legally Vegan
Pamela Cooks!
Your Vegan Mom
Reading "Take Joy" by Jane Yolen, very good nonfiction about writing.
Oh, and also I got a ZZ plant yesterday, so excited!! I've been wanting one for a long time and was even coveting a neighbors plant (asked for a cutting but never got one and didn't want to obsessively pester her about it). Of course, I ambitiously polished some of it's leaves with leaf polish and then read the above post to find you are NEVER to do that! Sigh. Please don't die, lovely ZZ plant.
Also got a huge spider plant and repotted it (the bottom was a MASS of white roots, no dirt to be seen anywhere). Gosh it makes me happy to play with my plants. Had a little one I was trying to patiently satisfy myself with, and it's not dead, but I just had to get this one especially as it was 50% off.
That is all.