Wednesday, August 04, 2021

One step forward, two steps back?

 Divided and repotted my golden pothos- this may have been a mistake. You see, the plan was to use these cool new moss poles I got off of Amazon (degenerate spaceman store), but I may have fried the roots in the hot summer sun when I was laying them all out to repot. 

I used my cool new potting soil what has fish stuff in it, so here’s hoping that it will all settle down eventually. I just had to pull a dozen or so yellow leaves off this morning so that was depressing.

So I haven’t wound them up the moss pole yet because I’m sort of waiting so I don’t stress it out more. Bah. 

Anyway, having plants is like a dance, sometimes messing about with them makes them flourish, and other times you should have just sat on your hands. Sometimes I wonder if people who neglect their plants almost have better success than I do, but a) I usually focus on my failures (stupid brain) and b) I have decided that whether I am killing my plants with love or not, I truly enjoy pottering about with them so much that it’s worth it- the ones that can stand it will survive.

We’ll that’s about it, I keep stealing plants from work (shhhh, don’t tell) (just kidding, I ask) (mostly) and eagerly awaiting propagation results from that, and I keep dreaming of ordering $60 worth of plants off of Amazon (stupid immunosuppression keeping me from plant shopping irl!) but not doing it because I’m worried they will fry in transit in this exceptionally hot summer weather we’re having…

I was especially looking forward to the local plant sale but it got cancelled due to weather (which never transpired).

Monday, July 12, 2021

The unperks of being a worker

 Aaaaaaah!!! I do not have time to take care of all my plant children!

Working has cut into my plant playtime (Note: I am not really complaining about having a job here lol).

TBH it’s probably good/better that I do not continuously stare at my plants, willing them to grow faster… I complained to a friend that my houseplants were growing too slowly and she said I should get a garden! Probably true, especially here in MN where the growing season is short and everything just bursts from the ground!

But I bought some fancy dirt off of Amazon and some pots and they are just sitting there, waiting! And I know my Cebu blue pothos has roots growing out of the bottom of its pot!

We went up to the cabin over the weekend and part of me really wanted to stay home just so I could have a chunk of time to really get into the zone with my plants, but when I came back, really, everything was fine and there was some new growth on a few of my plants I’d been worried about.

So I guess I will learn some balance and patience about finding time to take care of my plants, and slowly we will adjust to a new relationship that works.

Friday, June 18, 2021

My new bebe

 Today I went and picked up a new plant baby!

Actually two!

I have decided to actively ‘grow’ my pothos and philodendron collection (as I seem to be able to keep them alive) and so when I saw a cool philo Brandi available locally I was excited! Especially since I missed the plant sale here in town.

There was a mini monstera too but someone else had dibs on it. The seller was kind enough to give me 3 fantastically rooted silver scindapsus too!

Friday, June 04, 2021

Crazy plant times

It’s Spring and that means my green thumb is itchy!

I scored some really nice plants recently and upgraded my plant areas in my home!

I’ve been inspired and so I think I’ll start sharing here again, this time about plants.
