Friday, June 20, 2008


Woo! We got our CSA veggies in!!! It's all so gorgeous!
top to bottom, left to right;
broccoli, tatsoi
bok choi, spinach
radishes, lettuce!

I am particularly psyched about the spinach!! It looks so good.
I googled tatsoi, and I guess mostly you eat it raw, but you can saute it, too!
We will be gone this weekend, so we're taking it on the road... sharing the bounty, as it were.
Most of this we'll just eat raw, I'm thinking. Seems like the right thing to do. Maybe a light saute/stir fry of the bok choi. We had some of the lettuce for supper last night and it was so good!!

Hope your weekend it great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't WAIT til our CSA kicks in! We had a late frost here so they had to replant stuff! I'll be so happy when it's finally ready! :)